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Eating with Dentures: Enjoy Your Favorite Meals Without the Worry

July 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandlakezurich @ 6:56 pm
woman eating with dentures

Tooth replacement solutions come in many shapes and sizes, each designed to offer optimal results. For those who choose dentures, they can expect reliable prosthetics that continue to stand the test of time. But eating with dentures can pose a challenge when first fitted with these artificial teeth. To move past the adjustment phase and begin enjoying life with a new smile, various tips and techniques can be essential to ensuring a more seamless approach to eating.


Summer Smiles: Why There’s No Better Time to Receive Dental Implants

June 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandlakezurich @ 8:20 pm
woman with dental implants

Summer is a great time to consider dental implants in Lake Zurich. Although most people would rather spend their free time vacationing, lounging around the pool, or visiting friends and family for barbecues, the rest and opportunity for complete, uninterrupted healing makes these warm summer months ideal for this type of treatment. Discover why so many dentists recommend starting the process now instead of waiting until later.


3 Characteristics That Make a Good Dental Implant Candidate

May 16, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandlakezurich @ 8:20 pm
Man with dental implants

Dental implants are considered a superior method of tooth replacement. Standing high above dentures and dental bridges when it comes to durability, longevity, and functionality, they are the only prosthetics capable of restoring the complete root-to-crown structure. But many patients wonder if this type of treatment is for them. What makes a good dental implant candidate? This article will answer that question.


How Dentists Color-Match Dental Crowns 

March 17, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandlakezurich @ 9:12 pm
shade guide used for dental crowns

Dental crowns come in all different types of materials; however, when a patient prefers a tooth-colored option, it requires dentists to work their magic to ensure it matches existing, natural tooth enamel. Learn how this process is performed and what it takes to perfectly blend together artificial and natural teeth for a seamless look.


How Long is the Retention Phase of Invisalign Treatment?

February 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandlakezurich @ 8:58 pm
clear aligner

Invisalign treatment does not end just because clear aligners are not continually switched out. Once patients are finished with their designated plan, they move into the retention phase, which means keeping teeth in their new position. Individuals curious as to how long it is necessary to wear a retainer after completing Invisalign will find the answer in this blog article.


How to Customize Invisalign Based On Your Needs

January 6, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandlakezurich @ 8:55 pm
woman inserting Invisalign aligner

Invisalign in Lake Zurich is considered one of the most versatile forms of orthodontic treatment on the market. Its SmartTrack technology allows for a comfortable fit and predictable results. Patients who desire straighter teeth often turn to clear aligners for a more aesthetically pleasing orthodontic option. Although customizable, individuals may find they only need aligners for the upper arch of teeth and not the bottom. In this article, we will discuss if this type of customization is possible and why it can pose a potential problem for the future.


Keeping Your Smile in Place: The Truth Behind Retainer Wear

December 17, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandlakezurich @ 9:06 pm
clear retainer and protective case

When completing treatment with Invisalign in Lake Zurich, many patients assume it’s all officially over. However, there is another component that must follow – retainer wear. The retention phase of treatment is crucial if individuals want to avoid undoing the months (or years) of hard work.  


Is It Possible for Children to Develop Gum Disease?

November 17, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandlakezurich @ 9:01 pm
child without gum disease in Lake Zurich

Gum disease in Lake Zurich is a common problem among adults, but it is also a potential issue in young patients. Children may not be the primary demographic for periodontal disease; however, their young smiles, their novice oral hygiene skills, and their often unhealthy snacking habits make them ideal targets for bad oral bacteria to accumulate and spread throughout the soft oral tissues.


How Much Does Scaling and Root Planing Cost?

October 12, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandlakezurich @ 9:03 pm
man undergoing scaling and root planing

The symptoms associated with gum disease worsen the longer a patient neglects treatment. As soon as inflammation, bleeding, and tenderness develop, it is recommended that individuals seek professional care to minimize the risk of more serious and complex care. But what can a person expect when it comes to scaling and root planing cost in Lake Zurich? This article will explain what a patient can expect when it comes to the financial investment as well as what is recommended to help avoid the need in the first place.


Do Gums Grow Back After Receding?

September 19, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandlakezurich @ 8:16 pm
receding gums

Gum disease in Lake Zurich is one of the most common oral health problems seen by dentists. With symptoms that range from minor bleeding to bone and tooth loss, it is necessary that these signs be addressed early on before gum recession has the chance to occur. Read on to discover why this happens and what a dental professional can do to seek treatment as well as prevent the development of gum disease.

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