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Clear Aligners – Lake Zurich, IL

Image-Friendly Orthodontics for Older Patients

Getting braces is quite a commitment – one that can last for two or even three years at a time. This generally isn’t an issue for children, but many teens and adults have misgivings about having highly visible brackets and wires for that long. Clear Aligners in Lake Zurich offers older patients a way to get the straighter smiles they’ve been dreaming of in a more discreet (and in many ways, more convenient) orthodontic solution. Contact us today to learn more about the difference when you choose Clear Aligners in our Lake Zurich, IL dental office!

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Why Choose Grand Dental - Lake Zurich for Clear Aligners?

What is Clear Aligners® Treatment?

After we have digitally scanned your teeth, a separate laboratory will create a series of plastic aligners. Once they arrive, you’ll start wearing the first set, switching to new aligners every one or two weeks. The aligners can be removed during meals, so there aren’t any real diet restrictions during your treatment. You’ll also be able to brush and floss normally, and you can take the aligners out for periodic cleanings as well.

How does the Clear Aligners system work?

The aligners are made out of a special plastic and will be designed to fit snugly enough on the teeth to gently adjust them. The aligners work best when they’re worn for most of the day – 22 hours at minimum in most cases. Don’t forget to put them back in immediately after eating!

What happens during appointments?

Dentist checking the fit of a patient's Clear Aligners tray

The first appointment is used to prepare for the start of the process. After a thorough dental exam, we’ll take a number of pictures of your teeth in order to create a virtual model, which can be used to design your aligners and plan the necessary adjustments. (This also gives you a preview of what kind of results you can expect.) At this point, we’ll be able to tell you how frequently you’ll need to visit our dental office and how long your treatment can be expected to last. You’ll receive your aligners at your next visit, and we’ll show you the proper way to take care of them. Unlike braces, we won’t need to make any adjustments during the treatment. We’ll simply need you to return every other month or so in order to confirm that everything is still on track.

Am I a candidate for Clear Aligners treatment?

Smiling woman holding an Clear Aligners tray

Candidates for Clear Aligners treatment need to be able to leave the aligners alone for most of the day, which is why it’s normally only recommended for adults and teenagers – particularly those who are image conscious in one way or another. (If you get Clear Aligners for your teen, the aligners come with a blue compliance indicator that let you know whether they’re wearing them for the recommended hours.) We can use Clear Aligners even in particularly complex cases, and we’ll always work to accommodate for your unique needs.

What is Clear Aligners treatment for Teens?

Teen girl holding an Clear Aligners tray

Clear Aligners Teen is very similar to regular Clear Aligners treatment, with the addition of the compliance indicator that helps parents confirm their progress. Without brackets, wires, and bands to worry about, your teen can continue enjoying their youth to the fullest during orthodontic treatment.

How does the Clear Aligners system work?

Person holding up an Clear Aligners aligner tray

Clear Aligners is different from braces in that it highly relies on patient compliance. The aligners won’t get in the way of your daily routine, but the trade-off is that you need to be diligent about wearing them for the recommended amount of time. Parents are sometimes concerned that their teens won’t stick to the treatment, but in addition to the blue indicator, studies have shown that on average, teens are actually better than adults when it comes to wearing their Clear Aligners responsibly! And in many cases, you can get the results faster than you would with traditional orthodontics.

What happens during appointments?

Bite impressions on chairside computer

The process for Clear Aligners Teen begins with an initial appointment. A 3D model of the mouth is created using a series of photos and X-rays. Not only does this help us plan the treatment, but it also gives us a way to show your teen firsthand how the process works and what the outcome will be. At this point, we can also lay out the long-term plan, which includes how frequently you’ll need to return to the dental office and when you’ll need to switch to the next aligner in the series. You’ll need to wait a few weeks for the aligners to be made before returning for the next appointment. On average, you’ll only need to bring your child in for an appointment every 6 to 8 weeks – or in other words, every other month.

Is my child a candidate for Clear Aligners Teen?

Young teen girl holding Clear Aligners tray

It should be noted that Clear Aligners is typically better suited for mild to moderate orthodontic issues; more complex cases typically require braces. That said, Clear Aligners is useful for treating underbite, overbite, overcrowding, and gaps between the teeth. And thanks to the expertise of our in-house orthodontist and the rest of our team, we’re able to handle any number of difficult cases with Clear Aligners. Don’t be afraid to let us know about any unique accommodations that your teen might require; we’ll develop a treatment plan that works with their lifestyle.

Understanding the Cost of Clear Aligners

The cost of Clear Aligners in Lake Zurich

Clear Aligners is customized based on the needs of the patient. A scheduled consultation with a trusted in-house orthodontist not only ensures candidacy for treatment but also, a thorough explanation of the cost of Clear Aligners in Lake Zurich. Because there are many factors our team must consider before drafting an estimate, patients may wonder how paying for treatment is possible. At Grand Dental – Lake Zurich, we welcome dental insurance and will work to maximize benefits while also, sharing financing options with those needing additional help to pay for Clear Aligners.

Factors that Affect the Cost of Clear Aligners

Clear Aligners aligner in Lake Zurich

Our Clear Aligners dentist in Lake Zurich will evaluate each patient’s smiles to determine the cost based on the following:

  • How severe their dental issue might be
  • How many aligners they will require for effective results
  • How long the treatment will take, as a misaligned bite will take much longer than a small gap in a person’s smile

Clear Aligners vs. Smile Direct Club™: Which Costs More?

Clear Aligners aligner in Lake Zurich

Smile Direct Club and other DIY aligner systems are appealing to patients looking for a cheaper orthodontic solution. When compared to Clear Aligners, the cost is significantly lower; however, many problems can arise when attempting to straighten teeth without professional oversight.

Before opting against Clear Aligners, consider the potential issues that can develop with DIY aligners:

  • Patients will not see an orthodontist face-to-face. Instead, they will be responsible for reporting their own progress.
  • If problems develop throughout treatment, a patient must find a local orthodontist to administer the appropriate care to reduce the risk of serious injury. This can lead to more money spent on care.
  • Individuals are required to take impressions at home using outdated techniques that often do not produce accurate results. This can cause aligners to fit poorly and damage teeth.
  • An initial consultation is not performed when choosing DIY aligners, and if a person is not a good candidate for clear aligners, this can be problematic in the long run.

By opting for Clear Aligners in Lake Zurich, patients can remain confident in their plans, knowing our dental team will oversee and ensure the success of their treatment.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Clear Aligners?

Man inquiring about dental insurance in Lake Zurich

Some dental insurance companies do provide orthodontic coverage, but each individual must review their plan to determine the details. Some policies have various stipulations such as the age of a patient or the type of braces they receive. Clear Aligners may be covered, but traditional braces may also be the only form of orthodontics The insurance company agrees to cover. Each person must review their plan or ask a member of our dental team to work on their behalf to better understand the coverage availability for orthodontics.

Options for Making Clear Aligners Affordable

Dentist’s office in Lake Zurich

At Grand Dental – Lake Zurich, our team provides patients with alternative payment options apart from filing with dental insurance. The Grand Advantage Program allows uninsured individuals to pay one yearly fee and receive access to preventive services as well as discounts on various dental treatments in the first year.

Interested patients can also choose flexible financing through CareCredit, making it easy to break up the cost of treatment into manageable monthly payments.

Clear Aligners FAQs

dentist and patient discussing Clear Aligners in Lake Zurich

Clear Aligners in Lake Zurich offers more freedom, comfort, and discretion than traditional metal braces. While these clear aligners are popular for both teenagers and adults alike, you likely have many questions about them. For your convenience, we’ve gathered some of the most common questions we get about Clear Aligners below so you can learn more. If you don’t see the answers you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to give us a call.

Does It Hurt to Wear Clear Aligners Aligners?

It’s normal to experience slight discomfort during any orthodontic treatment, including Clear Aligners. When first wearing your clear aligners, your mouth will need time to adjust as your teeth shift. After a few days, the soreness should fade and the patient should feel comfortable and confident. This dull aching will return each time a patient switches to a new set of aligners in the series and the teeth continue to shift. Fortunately, this is much easier to manage and more comfortable than the mandatory tightening of traditional metal braces.

Are Clear Aligners Results Permanent?

Clear Aligners results have the potential to be permanent, but only if the patient wears their retainer as instructed. Your Lake Zurich cosmetic dentist will guide you through how often you need to wear your retainer in the weeks, months, and years following your Clear Aligners treatment to keep your teeth in their new positions. Teeth are prone to shifting back out of place after orthodontic treatment, so wearing your retainer diligently is essential for making the most out of your hard work. 

What Should I Do If I Lose an Clear Aligners Aligner?

In the very beginning of your Clear Aligners treatment, we’ll impress upon you the important of acquiring a protective case for your aligners. Aligner storage cases help shield your aligners from bacteria or other particles that may otherwise land on them while they are out of your mouth. It should also protect them from damage if they’re dropped or picked up by a small child or pet. Most importantly, having a dedicated storage case will encourage you to not store your aligners in a napkin or on a countertop where they can be accidently thrown away or left behind.

However, should you damage or lose one or both aligners, you should call us right away. Wear your previous set of aligners in the meantime. Depending on where you are in your treatment, we’ll determine if it would be alright for you to move on to your next set of aligners in the series or if a replacement set needs to be ordered.

Can I Get Clear Aligners If I’ve Had Braces in the Past?

Every situation is different, but patients may be able to get Clear Aligners even if they wore traditional metal braces in the past. It will depend on the severity of the issue, such as overcrowding, gapped teeth, crooked teeth, or misaligned bite. We’ll be happy to see you for a consultation, where we’ll use advanced dental technology to evaluate your mouth and determine if Clear Aligners would be an effective choice for your unique situation.

Braces & Clear Aligners Videos

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First Clear Aligners
for Kids

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Health Effects
of Misaligned Teeth

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How Clear Aligners
Really Works

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Clear Aligners Teen
What It Is, Why It's Better

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