Cavities and gum disease can happen to anyone no matter how young or old they are. It’s important that every member of your family receives preventive dental care on a regular basis so that the small issues can be caught and dealt with before they do major damage that requires more costly intervention. Learn about the important benefits of preventive dentistry from our Lake Zurich, IL dentist to promote healthier smiles.
During your first appointment, a comprehensive examination of your mouth is performed. We’ll be looking for signs of cavities, abnormal tooth wear, gum disease, bite problems, TMJ disorders, and early cancer symptoms. When these checkups are performed on a regular basis, it increases our odds of catching problems early so that they can be easily dealt with before serious damage is done.
Most patients need a dental cleaning every six months. You probably already brush and floss every day at home, but plaque could still be building up in spots you’ve overlooked or have a hard time reaching. After a while, plaque will harden in place, at which point it will be impossible for you to remove it on your own; you’ll need our help to get rid of it and keep your mouth safe and healthy.
While fluoride treatment is typically recommended for children who still have developing teeth, it’s also useful for anyone who has an increased risk of cavities or otherwise weakened enamel. In general, it’s a good idea to have a fluoride treatment performed during each visit.
Over the course of an oral cancer screening, we’ll check for unusual patches or sores, and we’ll feel around for lumps or other abnormalities. If you have dentures, we’ll take the time to check the at-risk tissue underneath. Anyone can develop oral cancer, so at least one screening should be performed each year.
If you don’t realize that you’re grinding your teeth at night, you might one day suddenly find yourself with broken, chipped, or severely worn-down teeth. A customized mouthguard stops your upper and lower arches of teeth from making contact with each other. We recommend getting a mouthguard as soon as signs of grinding are found.
A temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder forces you to live with constant pain and discomfort. One of our occlusal splints will restore the balance of your bite and relieve the tension in your head and jaw. Sometimes we’ll recommend stretching exercises as part of the TMJ treatment and help you identify behaviors that make the disorder worse.