With roughly half of the adult population in the US having gum disease, laser treatment is becoming more and more popular. Instead of using scalpels and sutures, which come with a longer recovery, we take advantage of soft tissue laser technology to make this kind of procedure quicker, less invasive, and more effective. At Grand Dental – Lake Zurich, we are privileged to have an on-site periodontist, who has the right qualifications to use this device and help patients achieve a healthier smile. Do you struggle with gum disease in Lake Zurich? Contact our team today to schedule an appointment and see if laser gum treatment could work for you.
For gum disease, we have several treatment options, but soft tissue laser gum therapy is especially useful if we need to remove a large amount of plaque buildup and infected tissue.
The concentrated beam of light enables our periodontist in Lake Zurich to target infected oral tissues precisely. Consequently, these problem areas can be removed without harming nearby healthy tissues.
As the beam of light moves, it cauterizes the gum tissue, which minimizes discomfort and bleeding. It also shortens the amount of time necessary for recovery. Additionally, the cauterized tissue decreases the odds of infection or other complications after the procedure.
Fortunately, the strong majority of patients with mild to moderate gum disease make good candidates for soft tissue laser dentistry. Keep in mind, however, that only our board-certified periodontist can say for sure whether this treatment is right for your case. You can trust his years of expertise and training as well as his personalized attention to properly diagnose and treat the problem.
As a general rule, if the pockets in the gum tissue are deeper than four millimeters or break down continually, you will most likely qualify for laser therapy.
Many other dental practices in the area still use traditional methods to treat gum disease, but our soft tissue laser treatment provides you with many great benefits, including: