Dentures in Lake Zurich are time-tested prosthetics known for their reliability. Used for decades and even centuries to replace missing teeth, the materials used have changed dramatically but the goal remains the same – to restore and rebuild incomplete smiles. At Grand Dental - Lake Zurich, our team is here to create and customize dentures to ensure optimal stability and fit for a longer-lasting, more fully functional smiles. Contact our office today to schedule an appointment.
Patients who are missing an entire arch of teeth will likely be considered qualified candidates for dentures. Those who are missing only a few should consider a possible alternative; however, partials are a convenient and reliable option should our team believe it is the right choice. After undergoing an initial consultation, a person can expect to learn if they are a good candidate for dentures as well as if any preliminary treatments must be performed first.
Tooth loss can be attributed to everything from a dental injury, tooth decay, or even gum disease. The truth is no matter how you may have lost your pearly whites, the effects can be devastating if left untreated.
Some of the most common problems you might face when living with an incomplete smile include lowered self-esteem, difficulty eating certain foods, slurred speech, and jawbone resorption that results in facial changes (i.e., sagging).
If you have any of the following, there is a good chance you will be eligible to receive custom-made dentures:
During an initial consultation with a member of our Grand Dental – Lake Zurich team, one of our dentists will discuss your oral and overall health as well as your jawbone density. It’s essential that you have a stable enough foundation to support your new dentures, so if the underlying bone is lacking, we may suggest a bone graft.
Also, if we find signs of gum disease or tooth decay, we will recommend additional treatment (i.e., tooth extraction or gum disease treatment) before moving forward with dentures.
Since there are various types of dentures available, you can expect that we will go over these options with you to determine which one is right for your smile.
Not all individuals are good candidates for dentures, so if for some reason we find that you do not qualify, we can provide alternative options, such as a dental bridge or dental implants.
There are three different types of dentures a dentist in Lake Zurich will go over with patients. Depending on preference, oral and overall health, jawbone density, and budget, one of the three will be the ideal choice:
Made from an acrylic, gum-colored base, partial dentures use artificial teeth that are placed strategically on top of the base to fill in the gaps in a person’s smile. Using metal clasps that attach to healthy abutment teeth, this device is placed along the arch and fitted like a puzzle piece.
Similar in design to partial dentures, it, too, uses a gum-colored, acrylic base and artificial teeth. The main difference is that these replace an entire arch of missing teeth. The top denture is designed to cover the complete palate (roof of the mouth), while the lower denture is shaped like a horseshoe to make room for the tongue. These are held into place with natural suction and sometimes, denture adhesives.
Unlike their traditional counterparts, implant dentures are held into place with between four and six dental implants that are positioned and placed inside the jaw. They are stronger, more stable, and can last 30 years or more with proper care. Implant dentures are small, screw-like, titanium posts that mimic the natural root of a tooth and offer maximum support to the customized denture secured on top.
Learning how dentures are made in Lake Zurich can make a difference in how you feel about your new smile as well as how well you take care of it. The time and attention that goes into the creation process requires an artistic and talented professional who can build lifelike smiles using a variety of materials. To discover how your unique set of teeth will come to be, keep reading.
There are two components of a denture – the base and the artificial teeth. Both are required if teeth are to work normally and allow for better oral and overall health. Below is a brief explanation of each component:
Although you may only see a completed denture when you arrive for your final fitting, the process that is required to make it takes time as well as a talented and artistic eye for detail. This is where skilled lab technicians come in.
The process begins with a member of our Grand Dental – Lake Zurich team taking measurements of your jaw as well as an impression of your mouth. This will serve as the initial model that will be used to craft your new teeth. A replica is then made and sent to the lab for technicians to create a wax model of your gumline before attaching artificial teeth with the help of an articulator.
It will be sent back to our office so that you can undergo your first fitting. Based on the results, we will either suggest adjustments or send them back “as is” for technicians to complete the creation process.
Once back in the lab, technicians will pour plaster into a flask so that the dentures hold their shape before it is placed into hot water. This melts the wax so that small holes can be made in the teeth. Once the plaster is removed, acrylic will be poured in.
The dentures will be placed into an ultrasonic bath so that any remaining plaster comes off. The dentures are then trimmed so any excess acrylic no longer remains.
With a final polish, your dentures will be sent back to our office for you to receive your final set of teeth.
It will take some time to get used to your new dentures, which is why many dentists refer to this as the adjustment phase. Eating, speaking, and simply learning how to properly clean your new teeth can require some patience; however, the process can be made easier if you follow these tips:
If you notice a change in your dentures or they do not feel right after several weeks of wear, call our office.
Dentures can change the life of a person who is struggling with tooth loss, especially when it comes to improving their ability to eat, speak, and smile. By choosing these custom prosthetics to restore your smile and daily oral function, you will not only experience physical improvements but also better oral and overall health, which is priceless. If you are still undecided, here are some unique benefits of dentures to consider:
Dentures can change the way you look as well as how you feel about your appearance. An incomplete smile can cause you to feel depressed or embarrassed; however, being able to see a fully restored set of teeth in the mirror each day offers a new approach to daily life. You’ll enjoy better mental and emotional health, allowing you to feel more confident when surrounded by others.
Slurred speech is a common problem for those experiencing tooth loss. The tongue needs teeth to form words and speak clearly, so when they are missing, it can be difficult to convey what you need to someone else. Once a custom set of dentures is put in place, though, you will begin to notice a dramatic difference in how you talk. Although an adjustment phase is typical, you will soon begin to speak normally and more confidently.
Malnutrition is a common problem among individuals living without natural teeth. The ability to eat nutritious foods becomes too difficult, resulting in the consumption of easier, less healthy options. Fortunately, with dentures, you can resume eating some of your favorite foods. This allows you to enjoy a more varied diet – one consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, leafy greens, and calcium-enriched dairy items.
When gaps form because of missing teeth but some natural ones remain behind, it’s important to seek tooth replacement as soon as possible. Dental drift can occur, which is the movement of healthy teeth to try and fill in spaces along an arch. This can lead to overcrowding, enamel erosion, and misalignment, all of which can cause poor oral health. However, you can avoid dental drift if dentures are used to fill in gaps and keep natural teeth in place.
Your smile says a lot about you, and it is what people use to form their first impression. This is particularly true when meeting potential employers. The moment you sit down and smile, they will immediately begin to determine whether you will be a good addition to their company. A healthy, complete smile indicates your level of care and attention. With dentures filling in the gaps of your smile, you can prepare to experience greater opportunities that benefit you in all areas of life.
The cost of dentures in Lake Zurich is different for each person. When patients arrive for their scheduled consultation, a variety of factors are considered before determining a thorough cost estimate. A member of our team at Grand Dental - Lake Zurich will make sure that everything is explained properly so that patients can make a confident decision as to how they want to proceed. With many payment options available, including dental insurance, flexible financing, and an in-house payment program, we aim to offer affordable solutions for individuals suffering from tooth loss.
Choosing dentures to replace missing teeth is a popular option for many patients, but the cost is going to be different for each person seeking full, partial, or implant dentures. When undergoing a scheduled consultation with a denture dentist in Lake Zurich, a patient can expect there to be various factors considered before receiving their estimate, such as:
It is often enticing for patients to choose a cheaper provider who can deliver more appealing prices. Unfortunately, the materials used to make less expensive dentures often lead to more frequent replacements. This is why we will clearly explain the types of materials we use to fabricate dentures and why we believe it is more cost-effective to choose a higher-quality option.
Implant dentures are more expensive than traditional prosthetics, but there is a reason. Not only do they consist of titanium posts, but they also live in the jawbone, which means they must be surgically implanted. Because of the oral surgery that is required as well as the durability and longevity of these prosthetics, they are considered costlier than other tooth replacement solutions. Millions of Americans are living with dental implants, though, so it is obvious that they are worth the additional upfront cost, as they can last 30 years or more with proper care.
Yes, a patient’s dental insurance will likely pay a portion of the cost associated with dentures in Lake Zurich. It is usually around 50% that an insurer will agree to cover; however, this is dependent on whether the patient has met their deductible and how much of their remaining annual funds are available. When meeting with a member of our team, we will thoroughly explain available coverage as well as how to get the maximum amount when filing any necessary claims.
Uninsured patients can find financial relief when receiving dentures by opting for flexible financing through CareCredit or by enrolling in our in-house membership program. With CareCredit, patients can enroll in a low-to-no-interest payment plan with no surprise fees. By opting for our Grand Advantage Plan, individuals can pay a low, annual fee that grants them access to preventive services as well as a 20% discount on all other available treatments.